Wednesday, March 24, 2010

She MUST be crazy, right?

Apparently people, I am. Crazy, that is. Insane. Seriously, out of my mind. Why, you might ask? Because I signed up for the Transformation Challenge again this year. Yep, I'm going back to 6:30 am workouts and killer trainers, journaling every bite that enters my mouth and drinking enough water to fill my kids' wading pool each day. I remember how hard it was last year. And when the alarm went off at 5 am last Monday, I thought to myself, "dear God, why did I do this again???" But as I was creeping down the stairs trying not to wake the family, sneaking out the front door and driving down to SLO in the pitch black of the pre-dawn hours, I remembered how good it felt at the end. How much better my body felt, how much improved my attitude was and how it changed my life.

So if it changed my life, why do I have to do it again? Apparently, I'm a slow learner. I let some of those changes fall off over time. I let myself become my own lowest priority after about six months. But I swear that I will not let that happen this time around.

If you want to refresh your memory on what the TC is all about, read my post from last year here. This year, EQ has added an element to the challenge that I am really excited about - they have teamed up with WW to help us with the food and nutrition side of things. We have a weekly WW meeting just a few doors down from EQ and I am looking forward to the accountability and support these meetings will provide.

So wish me luck. I am behind already on posting, but I'll try to put up a weekly update. If I have time, I'll do a week 1 and 2 summary later this week, then a week 3 wrapup this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWESOME!!! You GO girl! Looking forward to following your journey and being inspired. I need it, too! :)