Friday, July 17, 2009


Weight Watchers defines anchoring as “a process for creating cues and triggers to remind yourself of your weight goal and the inner resources you have to achieve it.” Your “anchor” is an object that reminds you to stay on track, something that can re-focus you when the going gets tough. A little something you can keep with you and look at or touch when you need it.

I’ve always had a tough time in my previous WW experiences to come up with an anchor. Ideally, it’s something that’s with you always so whenever you are tempted, feeling out of control, etc, you can bring yourself back. I don’t carry a purse, don’t even always have my keys if Scott drives, so attaching something to one of them wouldn’t work. I never really gave it too much thought. Yeah, it was a tool WW gave us to help us succeed, but I did okay without it, so whatev, right?

Lately, I have found myself touching my muscles. Not in a Divinyls, “I touch myself” kind of way – get your mind outta the gutter! But in a wow, I have muscles kind of way. You can’t always see them, but they’re there, believe it or not, under the layers of flab and they are getting stronger all the time. Occasionally I even catch a glimpse of them before the flab shimmies back over them, trying to hide them from the world. They’re just waiting for their moment to shine…when all the flab is gone for good and the muscles can bask in the glory of the sunshine. Ok, that last bit was a little corny, but you get what I’m sayin’, right?

In any event, when I’m sitting at my desk, or waiting at a stop light, I frequently find myself squeezing my biceps, or poking my quads. Sounds weird, I know, but I just can’t get over how firm and strong they feel. Me. The girl who has been struggling with her weight for so long, has muscles? Now, who’da thunk it? Even ask my family, I make Scott, my sisters, my mom, all of them, feel my muscles whenever I see them. It’s not unusual at a Voigt family gather to hear, “Feel my butt!” And they do. Now, that’s real love!

Last night driving home, I caught a glimpse of my bicep bulge out of the corner of my eye as I turned the steering wheel on a corner. And I thought…”there’s your anchor, Heather.” My muscles. They’re always with me and when I touch my bicep and feel that strength beneath the skin it reminds me that I am strong. I am stronger than any temptation that comes my way. I am strong enough to make it to the gym, even when I just want to go home and eat ice cream. I am strong enough to get myself healthy for my kids, for Scott, my sisters and parents, and most of all, for me. Ok, that last bit was corny too. But it’s the truth, so there!

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