Friday, July 31, 2009

Because I'm lazy...

I'm literally cutting and pasting an email I sent some friends this morning. Read it and you'll know why. :)


Sorry I've been MIA. Here's the timeline of our last week:

Thurs: Scott picks up kids from daycare and learns three other kids puked that day. Nice.
Sat: Gracie started vomiting, felt better Sunday though...
Mon: Gracie started in again
Later Mon: Scott started
Sometime between Mon and Tues: Ian and I started
Tues pm: everyone seemed relatively well - whew!
Wed early am: I started again. And again. And again. Every 20-45 min for 12 hours. I would have gone to the hospital, but by the time it was convenient for Scott to take me, I felt I was through the worst of it. I am probably still dehydrated and would probably be recovering better had I received fluids, but I'll manage. I think I could have come back to work sooner had I done that, but oh well, it's just work, right? LOL I'm back today though dull-eyed and saggy-tailed. :)

When I called the dentist in SLO to cancel the kids' appts on Tues morning, they said I was the third parent to call and cancel because of stomach flu that morning and it was only 8:45! Watch out and stay healthy...and obviously stay away from those damn Thayers! LOL

Seriously though, if I haven't responded to email or something, that is why. I literally did not leave our master bedroom for two entire days.

On the plus side, I dropped 10 pounds (well, 9.8 to be exact and obviously all fluid, but I'll take it!) in two days and kicked my diet coke habit since I haven't been able to drink it fand now I don't even miss it. As my Nana would say, "there's some good in all evil."

Happy Friday! Hope you're all well!!

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