Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1/2 Marathon Training - Week 1, Day 3

Technically this is only day 2 for me, since I missed a workout. But rather than have the numbers all mixed up between the training calendar and here, I'm just calling it day 3.

I mis-read my training plan in my rush to get to the gym on my lunch hour. I thought it said 2.5 miles, but it really said 25 min of running OR X-training. I did the 2.5 miles which worked out to about 25 min anyway, so we'll call it even. Here's the stats:
Time: 5 min warmup + 28 min + 5 min cooldown = 38 min total
Avg Heart Rate: 133
Max Heart Rate: 162
Calories Burned: 312

I also took Sculpt today and here are the stats for that:
Time: 57 min
Avg Heart Rate: 117
Max Heart Rate: 143
Calories burned: 327

I probably burned more than 327 cals in Sculpt but I forgot to start my monitor until the second or third track. Close enough though.

The run was a struggle today and I'm gueesing that's because I ran 3 miles yesterday, which was a lot for me. So today I had to take a few breaks walk twice for 0.10 - 0.25 miles. But I finished strong, taking the last quarter mile at 4.8 mph, which is fast for me.

Tomorrow's a rest day and my legs could definitely use it. Friday is another workout and then our 4 mile run on Saturday. Wahoo! Keep fingers crossed it stays cool and overcast Saturday morning until my run is done. Then the sun can shine all he wants.

Happy Hump Day All!

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