Thursday, May 21, 2009


Through the Transformation Challenge, I've gotten to hear Jean Steel speak a few times as well as read her book and she is inspiring to say the least. One of the things I learned from her is to take time every day to list out 5 things that you are grateful for. I have been focusing on the negative these last few weeks, letting the stress of daily life wear me down. But as of today, I am going to try to follow Jean's lead and find at least 5 things every day that I am grateful for. Here's my five for today:

1. Making it through 12 weeks of the Transformation Challenge!
2. My family
3. My health - fighting a nasty bug and trying to lose weight are nothing compared to the health struggles others deal with
4. My friends - awesome supporters with huge hearts that are always there for me!
5. Getting in to work early today - as brutal as being in the office at 6 am can be, it means I can head home early to spend time with the hubby and kids! :)

Happy Thursday to anyone out there. What are you grateful for today?

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