Thursday, May 21, 2009

Workout plan for my first week post-challenge

I'm definitely a planner so I am going to lay this out here so that I can be accountable to myself. If I don't know in my head what I'm going to do for the week, I'm sure I'm destined to fail. What's the old Weight Watchers saying? If you fail to plan, plan to fail. So here goes:

The remainder of this week:
Thurs: 10K day2 on treadmill or at home
Fri: Boot Camp, possibly Abs class, 10K mileage on treadmill, Rock Bottom at 4:35 then home for DATE WITH HUBBY!!
Sat: 10K workout with team
Sun: long walk with family or other activity

For the week of May25-31:
Mon: No classes at the gym so either: run at home or run at gym (mileage)
Tues: Body Pump 10:30-11:30, 10K day 1 on treadmill, RPM at 5:45pm if I get into work early enough
Wed: Body Flow 10:30-11:30, 10K day 2 on treadmill
Thurs: RPM at 6:45, 10K day 3 on treadmill at lunchtime
Fri: Body Combat 12-1, 10K mileage on treadmill, Rock Bottom at 4:35, Body Jam at 5:45
Sat: MM4K!!!
Sun: REST!
Totals: Cardio ~7 hours, resistance ~2 hours, stretching/recovery ~1 hour

I'm going to print this out, make appts in my outlook calendar and try to stick to this as much as possible. Knowing my workouts ahead of time help me to adjust my work schedule and kid pickup/dropoff accordingly. Wish me luck!

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