Friday, May 1, 2009

You, and only you, are responsible for pushing yourself

Some of the girls in the challenge have complained about the lack of motivation, excitement, etc on some of our workouts. It definitely does depend on the trainer. Some of the trainers might not be as fun, entertaining, intense, whatever. But if you push yourself, you can make it a good workout, no matter who the trainer is. This morning, we had stations set up around the room, and you were doing a different exercise at each station - some were step stations, some were abs, some were using weights, etc. I noticed that one of the girls was adding on to her stuff, whatever she was doing - raising arms on the step, doing shoulder presses with the weights during the squats - adding on to what the trainer instructed us to do to challenge herself. If you don't think it's hard enough, make it harder. Go an inch deeper in that squat, run faster, pickup a heavier weight, whatever you need to do. We won't have boot camp or even a trainer (god knows I won't be able to afford to go back to personal training sessions) when this is over and I know for most of us (if not all of us) this is going to be a lifelong struggle. I don't think there's any of us who have the metabolism to eat what we want or even eat healthy and NOT workout pretty hard or we wouldn't be in this challenge. We're going to have to push ourselves for the rest of our lives. Get used to it, ladies... :)

1 comment:

CareyBee said...

You are SO right, and you always push yourself to the extreme!